Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trivia Night = a HUGE success!

Trivia night happened last night at the Peabody's Farm. Lots of fun was had!! We had 8 teams show up to play and about 20 items (plus desserts) auctioned off. In the end we raised over $1500!! We are so excited! A HUGE thank you to lots of different people...just to name a few...Jill Perkins, Heather Replogle, Ron and Sandy Peabody, my in-laws Charles and Diana, and Brian and Sandy for donating the pizza. Sooooo many people gave products to be auctioned....THANK YOU! As I mailed the checks to Lutheran Family this morning, a song came on the radio, "That's What Friends are For." Perfect song for last night. Thanks friends (and family)! You all mean a lot to us!

PS Still no word on a baby...keep praying!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Trivia Night

Some friends are hosting a trivia night at Peabody's Barn as a benefit for our adoption. It will be Friday, March 16 from 6:30-9:30. Pizza, water, and tea will be provided. It is $60/per team (up to 6 players) and that includes food and prizes. Register your team by email by March 15 at
Again, thanks for all your support! Feel free to share this with your friends.