Thursday, March 21, 2013

Isaiah William

What a whirlwind! I got the call in Iowa on Tuesday, March 12 that we had a baby. On Monday, March 18 Alan and I drove to St Louis to meet our little guy! It truly has been crazy...good but crazy! Tuesday, March 19, a mere 7 days from "THE" phone call, we became a family of five. Andrew and Olivia came up for the entrustment ceremony. For the first time, all five of us drove home together. The last 2 days have been great. Isaiah is quite the mellow guy. He loves A and O and the dog. We are blessed to have him! Thank you to everyone who has made this possible: prayers, fundraisers, subbing, lesson plans, diapers, food. Never doubt God's amazing plan. His plan (and only His) is perfect.