Friday, August 26, 2011

Prayer, please.

It has been over a month since our last matching email. I was beginning to wonder if our social worker lost our email. :) (OK, not really, but the lack of matchings has been on my mind.) So today, we get an email from Laura (our social worker). There are two matchings taking place next week, are we interested? How weird....we go for over a month with nothing...then BAM...two matchings. We have not decided yet if we want our name put forward. We have until Monday at 9am to decide. So for now, just pray.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Unexpected surprise.

A week or so ago, I received a facebook message from one of college friends' MOM saying she wanted to "help a little" with our adoption. I was so pleasantly surprised and thought how that was such a sweet gesture. Today is the mail was a $100 dollar check from her and her husband. When I think about "a little," I think $20 (which is still very nice!) I was overwhelmed with emotion knowing people believe in children. She believes in our family. Thank you, Marilyn and Richard Cole for giving to our adoption. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Garage Sales

Do you know how much I hate garage sales?! I know what you are've had two this summer! Yes, I know. Let me be frank, adoption is not cheap. I am not complaining...I am simply stating a fact. Yes, we knew this going in, but we feel it will so be worth it in the end. A garage sale is just one way to raise money...and it has. We have been able to put over $1,000 towards our adoption just off of garage sales. (It makes me like garage sales a tad more now..)Yes, we could take out a massive loan and pay it off over 10 years, but instead, we are trying to pay the fees bit by bit. Some people have been generous to donate $50 or $100 to our fees....which is appreciated. (It is a tax-deduction, after all.) We have also applied for several grants, which we are waiting to hear on. Which brings me to another motto I have been using, "if it is meant to be, the money will come. " I believe this is what we are supposed to do, and we have about 2/3 of the fees paid for. Our focus is not on how much it costs, but how we can love and care for a child, whom may or may not had opportunities. We want a baby to come to us and be a part of our family. So I may have another garage sale in the future...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let Go and Let God

This has become my theme for our adoption. Most of you know by now, Alan, the kids and I are adopting a baby. We passed our homestudy (at least THEY think we are normal...LOL), and now we are just waiting for a baby. The process is slightly more complicated than just "we have a baby for you." Our social worker emails us with information concerning the birth parents and baby, then Alan and I decided if we want our names "put forward." In other words, can our social worker give the birth parents our information? If we say yes, then we move forward; if we say no, it stops. So far, we have been asked about five different babies, and we have said yes to two of them. We don't want ANY baby.....we want the baby God chooses for our family. And that's the hard part..."letting go and letting God" take control. No use worrying because He knows all. Yes, it has taken me about 6 months to let go; I'm a slow learner. Please pray for our baby, birth parents, and us. I'll keep you posted on this site. Visit again.