Saturday, August 6, 2011

Garage Sales

Do you know how much I hate garage sales?! I know what you are've had two this summer! Yes, I know. Let me be frank, adoption is not cheap. I am not complaining...I am simply stating a fact. Yes, we knew this going in, but we feel it will so be worth it in the end. A garage sale is just one way to raise money...and it has. We have been able to put over $1,000 towards our adoption just off of garage sales. (It makes me like garage sales a tad more now..)Yes, we could take out a massive loan and pay it off over 10 years, but instead, we are trying to pay the fees bit by bit. Some people have been generous to donate $50 or $100 to our fees....which is appreciated. (It is a tax-deduction, after all.) We have also applied for several grants, which we are waiting to hear on. Which brings me to another motto I have been using, "if it is meant to be, the money will come. " I believe this is what we are supposed to do, and we have about 2/3 of the fees paid for. Our focus is not on how much it costs, but how we can love and care for a child, whom may or may not had opportunities. We want a baby to come to us and be a part of our family. So I may have another garage sale in the future...

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